Tuesday, December 15, 2009

November Commissions Request Information

In order to receive your commissions for November we are asking you to log in to your back office and submit a request. When you log in to the members area go to the “Account Management” section and click on “Request Commission”.

You’ll find all necessary instructions when you get into the back office and to the account management area. After submitting your request we’ll be able to process your request and get your check in the mail within 24-36 hours.

You’re probably asking, “Why can’t I get paid through Paypal like I usually do?” and we’d like to explain a few things!

There are several reasons, but the three main reasons are:

1) Paypal charges a fee for their services. This includes our members who were charged as much as $195. Sending a check will only cost $3 for processing no matter what the amount of the commission is.

2) Paypal has forced us to send echecks on occasion, which adds a minimum of 7 days to the length of time it takes for you to get your money.

3) Paypal policies continue to NOT allow MLM’s to use their services. Now that SFS has added the Matrix we are now considered a MLM by Paypal definition. So, we do not want to risk any funds being held for you, our members, and we feel its best to issue checks at this point in time.

We are always looking for new and better ways to do things with SFS and at this point in time we feel that this is the best option. Please log in to your back office as soon as possible to ensure that your check is on its way as quickly as possible!


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